Your donations are vital to the success of our work in the community!
During this difficult time when we cannot meet in person, your support is still crucial to cover the important work of educating students, the creation of our new digital presentations featuring original content on YouTube, and live Zoom events that bring the world to you. Most of these events are presented at no charge.
We are grateful to the following businesses, community partners, and individuals who are instrumental in preserving history and stories.
Season Sponsors
The Arab American Educational Foundation
Baker Botts
Mr. Marcello Claure
Humanities Texas
Khudari Group
Museum of Fine Arts, Houston
C. Howard Pieper Foundation
The Quan Group
Strickland Foundation
Summerlee Foundation
Susan Vaughan Foundation
Season Underwriters
Becky & Philip Lao
Jeffrey McKay
John Peterkin & Gail Peterkin, PhD
Carlton Speed Foundation
The Archaeological Institute of America
Bilateral Chambe
Bite of Hope
Cardinal Health
GRITS Foundation
T.D. McGinty
Joe & Dorothy McLemore
Timothy McSweeney
Roy Meinke
John Middleton
Reginald Moore
James Nelson & Sally Andrews
Aaron Ott
Douglas Pecore
David Peterson, MD
Loretta Pisegna
Mary Prentice
Danielle Ranneft, PhD
Maria Rocha, PhD
William T. Rice
Dr. Anne Schnoebelen
Marianna Servitje
Jeannette Siciliano
M. M. Sherwood
David & Elizabeth Singleton
Louis Skidmore
Stephen B. Smith
Sergio Soroka, MD & Claudia Soroka
Shana Steinhardt
David Swenson
Michael & Lilly Sweet
Seborn Thomas
Nathan Tritico
Emily Todd
Annaliese Unterharnscheidt, MD
Neal Higgins Walters
Jane Cahill West
Tom & Mary Ellen Whitworth
Douglas Williams & Janice Robertson
Penn Williamson
John Wilkerson
Daniel Wood
Byron York, MD
Gunnar Zagars, MD
Inkind Donors
The Antiquarium
Baker Botts
Consulate General of Australia
Consulate General of Bolivia
Consulate General of Iraq
Consulate General of Italy
Consulate General of Mexico
Consulate General of Turkey
Consulate General of the United
Houston PBS
Houston Public Library
Hugo’s Restaurant
The Iraqi American Society
Laurenzo Catering
Greg Maddox, PhD
Jeffrey McKay
Memorial City Mall
Quan Firm
Rice University
Texas Southern University
True Leaf Tea
The University of Houston
Alvia Wardlaw, PhD
Expedition Director
The Arab American Educational Fdtn.
Robert Arndt
The Honorable Nana Booker
Laura Childs
Giselle Kiperman Mangini
Sid McClendon IV
Mary Lee & Jim Wallace
Priscilla Watkins, PhD
Molly Wurzer
Principal Investigator
Archaeological Institute of America
Institute of Hispanic Culture
Frost Bank
Helen & Stanley Santire
Tulay Ozkaya Spicker
John & Melissa Standish
Pamela Strate
Ann Bragdon, PhD
Dorothy Caram, PhD
The Consulate General of Mexico
Richard Dixon & Nancy Grason
Jerome Godinich
Dodd & Elena Hackman
Richard Hodgson
Patricia McCinty
Danielle Mirabal, JD
Pascal Piaza, JD
The Honorable Robert Richter
Carolyn Miracle Ross
Martha Claire Tompkins
The Honorable Margrit Young
Square Excavator
Judy Adams
Dr. Karim Alkadhi & Dr. Ann Bragdon
David C. Bonner
Emily Brents
Carol A. Broussard
Robert Brown
Dorothy Burge
Betty Chapman
Jill Chernin
Candi Clement
David Cole
Edward & Candace Cotham, Jr.
Jeremy Davis
Fernando Deferrari
Lew Eatherton
Gus Elizondo
Marcus Epperson
Abbas Etminan
Jack Farrell
Susan Gilmore
E. Hart & Sue Green
Robert Galloway, MD
Brian K. Harrington
Douglas & JoAnne Hillegeist
Holly Holland
David & June Kamrath
Gulgan & Demir Karson, PhD
William & Lynn Kief
Nora Klein, MD
Anne H. Krum
Eugenia Landes
Carol Lee
Christopher M. Levaque
Christina Neveu
Jean Little
Rosaland Lilly
Carolie Martin
Sushila Matthew