The culture of the Marsh Arabs is ancient, dating back to the Sumerians. Today, this group of people teeter on the precipice of destruction due to environmental destruction from warfare, climate change, and damming. The very real possibility exists that this culture that has existed for 6,000 years could be obliterated in our lifetime. However, groups across the world are working with them to save their way of life.
Archaeology Now believes, that more than ever before, the past holds important lessons for us.
This project is the Marsh Arab story and helps us understand what the ancient world has to offer today for cultural and ecological preservation for the future. This series of events is especially important to the Gulf Coast of Texas as we confront our own issues of environmental degradation and loss of heritage.
Be part of a unique project that preserves the Marsh Arab culture and offers fresh insights for the future.
Here’s how you can make a difference:
$25 Assist with cost of a kit of educational materials for student tours of a mudhif at Rice University
$50 Help sponsor materials for hands-on activities for family events at the mudhif
$100 Support cost of construction materials and equipment
The culture of the Marsh Arabs is ancient, dating back to
the Sumerians. Their entire way of life is deeply
intertwined with the ecology of their homeland. Today,
this group of people teeter on the precipice of destruction
due to warfare and environmental destruction. However,
groups across the world are working with them to save
their culture.