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Digging in Hallowed Ground: Excavating Notre-Dame

  • Archaeology Now P.O. Box 271062 Houston, Texas, 77277 United States (map)

Denis Glicksmann, INRAP

An excellent opportunity was presented for the first excavations in many years as the Cathedral underwent restoration following the fire in 2020. Learn about the archaeological work that took place and how exciting major new knowledge was revealed that will transform our understanding of Notre-Dame and its connections to a wider world.

LEARN MORE! - Story from NPR:

Presented by:

Christophe Besnier, Director of Archaeology Excavations, Notre-Dame de Paris

Presented at:

Jones Hall, The University of St. Thomas | 3910 Yoakum Houston TX 77006

Cosponsored by:

The World Affairs Council of Greater Houston

The University of St. Thomas


This series of events is realized in partnership with the public body in charge of

Notre-Dame de Paris

and is funded in part by the City of Houston through Houston Arts Alliance

Presented in Grateful Partnership with

February 22

Medieval Chant Workshop & Vespers of the Virgin

April 10

Rebuilding Notre-Dame: “All Together”