A Slow Boat to Houston

Initially, we were told that our “mudhif in a box” would arrive in Houston on April 30, allowing us to being construction that week. However, we could not imagine the many twists, stops and starts that the journey would take. Our mudhif has had quite a series of adventures!

The container ship ended up making more stops at ports along the way than initially anticipated. The container has been transferred to four ships during its journey. Then, the ultimate blow that wrecked the schedule was a fire on board the ship when it was in the Suez Canal.

As might be imagined, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of “Swansea” in Houston at 6am June 5! We will be on dock, waving flags as she sails up the Houston Ship Canal!

Here’s a map showing the rout of our mudhif “Lego set” as it makes its way to Houston.


Our Ship Came In


Mudhifs CAN Sail!