Mudhifs CAN Sail!

Once our mudhif components were loaded into a forty-foot shipping container, they were driven to the port of Umm Qasr. Our partner, Nature Iraq was on hand to document the exciting journey of the unique cargo. We feel confident that we can say that this is the first time, that a container of Phragmites has ever been transported to Houston!

We here in Houston, watched from afar with much anticipation, as photos were sent to us on a Saturday morning at 3am Houston time , documenting the container’s transfer to a ship! The magnet lifted the container onto the ship “San Antonio” and it set sail on Saturday, March 4, bound for the Port of Houston. We are crossing our fingers that the journey goes well and our cargo arrives safely.

Images courtesy of Nature Iraq


A Slow Boat to Houston


A Mudhif in a Box